Kawartha Lakes Writers Festival 2023

The second annual Kawartha Lakes Writers Festival for readers, writers and book lovers will take place on Saturday, November 4 starting at 10:30 AM .

Readers and book lovers are invited to join local writers for book sales, readings, workshops and book launches.

Events will take place across the following branches of the Kawartha Lakes Public Library:  Lindsay, Bobcaygeon, Kinmount, and Fenelon Falls.



10:30 – Chro Zand presents Chro Is My Name

Chro is a Kurdish Canadian freelance writer who currently lives in Toronto. She is the author of, Chro is My Name, her memoir published in 2021. Her story of Chro is My Name is included in the School of Continuing Studies program in the University of Toronto curriculum. She has a diploma in Art and Literature and a Bachelor degree in Journalism.

Chro was born and raised in Sulaimani Kurdistan by parents with hearts of gold. Her marriage ended in divorce after producing a son and a daughter, whom she loves immensely.

She was one of five million refugees who fled Kurdistan after the April 1991 Uprising and genocide against the Kurdish nation. After the last dinner in 1991, her family never got whole again, not even for her marriage. A period of residence in Turkey, in part once again as a refuge.

11:30 – Carol Marie Newall presents Outside the Gate: the true story of a British home child in Canada

Carol Marie Newall lives in the Muskoka Lakes district north of Toronto with her husband and granddaughter. Her surprise discovery of a family secret inspired a longterm quest to learn about the British Child Migration to Canada, a little known program that sent more than one hundred thousand home children abroad to work as indentured farmers and domestics. Carol graduated from the Ted Rogers School of Management at Toronto Metropolitan University, formerly, Ryerson. She is a member of Muskoka Authors’ Association, Writers’ Community of York Region and Home Children Canada. This is her first book. 

In 2011 Carol inherited a cardboard memory box stuffed with old sepia photos, documents, a bible, and a cracked white china doorknob—the last bits and pieces of her late grandmother’s life. It contained nothing of any value, but to her the contents were priceless. For months she examined the photos and reread the correspondence, but found only a few vague clues about Winnie Cooper. Why was she sent to Barnardo Homes? Who was her family? What happened to her brothers? Ten years later, having traced online resources, interviewed family members, searched her brain for illusive memories, and dug through archives in Canada and the UK, she was able to learn how Winnie, a plucky English girl, found herself working in Canada.

12:30 – Bev Brewer presents Dance Into the Light

Beverley’s training in life skills teaching methodology set the stage for her life’s work. She completed her PhD at the University of Toronto in 2002. Following an award-winning adult education career Bev plays at singing, kayaking, hiking and writing fiction and memoir. Bev is a member of the Muskoka Authors Association executive and lives in Muskoka with her husband and two black labs.

The BOOK FAIR will include the above authors.


All presentations will take place on the second floor, in the Kawartha Art Gallery.


10:30Emma Couette presents “Self-Publishing 101” workshop

Have you ever wanted to publish a book without the hassle of querying, but don’t know where to start? In this presentation, 5 times published local author, Emma Couette, will walk you through the 6 basic steps of writing and publishing a book which will give you a solid foundation on which to start your author career.

Emma Couette is a fantasy and dystopian author born and raised in Lindsay, Ontario. Her published books include: Silent Night, Sacred Ruse, Solemn Vow, Assassins Below, and Summer’s Revenge 

11:30 Lori Jean Rowsell presents “Show vs Tell: level up your writing” workshop

Perhaps one of the most infamous “rules” of writing is to show, not tell, readers a story. But what does “show don’t tell” mean? In this presentation, author Lori Jean Rowsell will review the basics of show vs. tell, provide useful indicators of telling, and demonstrate how to enrich your show-game with emotion. 

Lori Jean Rowsell is a multi-genre author who loves a happy ending. Her short stories have appeared in various anthologies. No Other Love, her debut Young Adult novel is available now wherever books are sold. Lori Jean lives with her family and their handsome dog in the City of Kawartha Lakes.

12:30Ian McKechnie presents short stories inspired by Effie McQuarrie’s postcards.

Ian McKechnie was born and raised in Lindsay, earned his Honours Bachelor of Arts in English Literature from Trent University in 2013, and his Certificate in Museum Studies from the Ontario Museum Association in 2022. He currently works as a contributing writer and online news editor for The Lindsay Advocate. In 2022, Ian began writing some short stories inspired by postcards his great-grandaunt Effie McQuarrie wrote during the 1910s and 1920s. This is Ian’s first venture into the exciting world of historical fiction, and he plans to eventually write enough of these stories to compile into a small book.

1:30Susan E. Wadds presents “Only You Can Tell Your Story” workshop

A Write Your Way In workshop offers the opportunity to take creative risks in a supportive environment. Varied and diverse prompts launches each writer into their choice of fiction, memoir or poetry. This one-hour workshop will provide a taste of the magic of the AWA (Amherst Writers & Artists) process. 

Led by Susan Wadds, an award-winning fiction, poetry, and creative non-fiction author, this session is bound to delight you with your own brilliance. Find out more here: https://writeyourwayin.ca/

2:30Laila Malik presents archipelago

archipelago (Book*Hug Press, 2023), the debut poetry collection from Laila Malik, traces fragments of family, becoming and unbecoming against the shifting shorelines of loss, multigenerational migration, and (un)belonging.

The islands of an archipelago are isolated above sea level but attached underwater; connected yet separate. Malik’s lyrical poems intertwine multi-generational histories of exile and ecological unraveling. Beginning with a coming of age in the last quarter of the 20th century, moving between Kashmir, East Africa, the Arabian Gulf, and Canada, they subvert conventions of lineage and linear migration, sketching home onto sparse, ever-changing planetary landscapes of deserts, oceans, and mountains. 

At its core, archipelago is an urgent poetic letter to the daughters who come before and after, a quiet disclosure of barbed ancestral legacies and a promissory note for another kind of future.

Laila Malik is a desisporic settler and writer living in Adobigok, traditional land of Indigenous communities including the Anishinaabe, Seneca, Mohawk Haudenosaunee, and Wendat. Her debut poetry collection, archipelago (Book*Hug Press, 2023) has been described as haunting, tender and exquisite (Temz Review) and was named one of the CBC’s Canadian poetry collections to watch for in 2023. Her essays have been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net anthology, longlisted for various creative nonfiction and poetry contests, and widely published in Canadian and international literary journals. Malik has been awarded grants from the Canada Council for the Arts and the Ontario Council for the Arts, and was a fellow at the Banff Centre for Creative Arts for her novel-in-progress.

3:30Sandy O’Shea presents From Invisible to Technicolor

Saturday, November 4 at the Lindsay branch library, meet Sandy O’Shea.

In her memoir, From Invisible to Technicolor, Sandy takes us along as she embarks on a journey of self-discovery, sexual awakening, and empowerment. She learns that it’s not selfish to prioritize her own happiness and dreams. Through trials and tribulations, she sheds the layers of societal and familial expectations, embracing her true self with all its colours and complexities.

Sandy O’Shea is a dynamic personality, celebrated as a holistic sexpert, and a self-care and resiliency coach. She is an accomplished author of four books. Let’s Talk About Sex with Sandy, her first book, is an educational path to good health and great relationships. Sandy explored relationships further through fiction and has written short stories as well as two erotic novellas: When Friends Become Lovers and Lost then Found. Her latest and most ambitious book is her memoir, From Invisible to Technicolor. In it she poignantly describes her transformation from living small, under the confusing judgment of family, friends, and society–under rules and values that were not her own–to abandoning these to live a fuller life on her own terms.

In the pages of her memoir, Sandy unflinchingly navigates the defining moments of her life, grappling with emotions of insignificance, under-appreciation, and unworthiness, which left her feeling as though she were living in the shadows of her true self. She powerfully unfolds her journey of self-discovery, through which she reignites her passions, and ultimately, discovers her authentic voice.

From Invisible to Technicolour is a guiding beacon for women; Sandy’s mission is to empower women to fully embrace their true selves, unfettered by societal expectations, and to do so without apology. Her story is a powerful testament to her strength and shows we all have a boundless potential for personal growth and empowerment.

In the CHILDREN’S DEPARTMENT, attend a presentation with children’s author, Lisa Hart.

In her book, Feathers, Fur and Fun Facts, prepare to meet some curious creatures and sniff out fun facts wrapped in feathers and fur. Dust off your imagination as you walk beside living fossils. Pussyfoot across desert sands. Explore the part some animals play in a seasonal holiday’s history and see the impact of man on nature through a leopard’s eyes.

As a freelance writer, Lisa spends most of her time looking at the world from the perspective of her preferred target audience – young readers. While she focuses primarily on nonfiction articles, her fiction, poetry and works for adults have been well received. In 2017 she placed in Red Toque Publishing’s Canadian Tales of the Fantastic. Lisa’s nonfiction children’s book ‘Feathers, Fur and Fun Facts’, as well as her collection of short stories entitled ‘Ghosts, Hauntings and Stories of Old’ may be purchased at your favourite online bookstore.

The BOOK FAIR will be in the basement community room. Discover the above authors as well as:

  • Cathy Walker

Cathy Walker is a Canadian author who writes about myths, legends, romance, and fantasy. Little Black, A Pony is the first book she remembers reading, which led to The Black Stallion series, and then on to romance books in her teens. She finally found her way to books like Lord of the Rings, The Mists of Avalon, and other similar books.

She started writing books in her 40’s, and eventually became a full-time author about 15 years later. Before that, Cathy and her husband owned and operated a martial arts dojo in Port Perry for many years until they moved to the Kawartha Lakes, where Cathy writes, designs her covers, publishes, and markets her own books with ever-increasing success.

Another passion of Cathy’s is animals and living on a farm allows her to fulfill that love over the years by rescuing goats, dogs, horses, cats, and guinea pigs. They keep her busy and basically eat most of the profit she makes.

All of Cathy’s books are on Amazon in various formats. Her most popular is The Salem Witches Trilogy, but with eight books published (and more in the works) you are likely to find something of interest. You can also find her at various local events selling her books in person.

  • Christa Loughlin

Christa Loughlin has always had a passion for crime fiction. She attributes that to having six police officers in her family and listening to their many stories over the years. As a result, she became familiar with the various aspects of policework including procedures and terminology. Christa’s love for murder mysteries grew even more through reading, watching, and listening to anything that left her trying to figure out the who’s and why’s of the story.

Christa had a 28-year career as a Registered Massage Therapist, with a large part of that time spent practicing in Little Britain, Ontario. She recently retired from massage therapy, and is living in Peterborough, Ontario with her husband, Paul, their cat, Scout, and their dog, Dexter—who is absolutely named after the serial killer.

  • Sara Walker

Sara C. Walker is the author of urban fantasy and speculative fiction. Her work has been published by Exile Editions, ON SPEC magazine, Tyche Books, and others. She’s recently published a volume of non-fiction detailing the lives of 20 of the most fascinating people from Kawartha Lakes, titled Historic Citizens of Kawartha Lakes.



All presentations will take place in the community room.

10:30 – Laura Elliot presents The Ghost of Catherine Parr Traill

The Ghost of Catharine Parr Traill follows Laura Elliott’s journey of discovery into the life and lessons of wellbeing from this nineteenth century pioneer, author and botanist. The journey began when Laura moved into Catharine’s final home, Westove, in Lakefield, Ontario in 2019.  The challenges of the global pandemic that faced Laura and her family in 2020 turned this into a passion project. What could our generation learn from Catharine’s grit, resilience and calm in the face of so many struggles? What do the encounters between indigenous peoples and settlers, as captured in Koren Smoke’s interpretive artwork, have to offer to the truth and reconciliation process? Laura draws the reader into this timeless ancestral inquiry into individual and societal wellbeing.

Laura Elliott is a Vice Principal with the Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board and a lecturer at Trent University in the Faculty of Education. She holds a PhD in Kinesiology and Physical Education from the University of Toronto and an M.A in Social Justice Education from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE). She is a mother, an amateur but enthusiastic Nordic skier, and a self-proclaimed expert at maple syrup production. She blogs at lauraleighelliott.com

11:30 – Debra L. Caissie presents Unleashing Your Inner Power

Debra L. Caissie lives in the Durham Region and is a first time author of her book Unleashing Your Inner Power. Deb comes with 30 years of Entrepreneurial Experience and has owned and operated 5 businesses. Her book is a journey of life and business that’s blended together to help unravel your life‘s purpose. Create your vision that aligns with your values and learn how to take purposeful actionable steps to live out your best life.

12:30 – Sheridan Rondeau presents “A Caregiver’s Toolbox” workshop

Exploration of caregivers’ “toolbox” for clues and ideas readily available to implement at home for problem solving. Interactive sharing and new ways of problem solving. A couple of short excerpts from the book to illustrate “when and how-to”.

Sheridan Rondeau’s Dear Braveheart recounts the author’s experience of loving and caring for her late husband, who suffered from Alzheimer’s disease. Rondeau weaves a moving story of grace, hope and determination while tackling tough topics with a refreshing sense of humour and honesty.

1:30 – Kellie Suzanne presents Devlin Saves A Lamb

Devlin Saves a Lamb is Kellie’s first children’s book about farm life at Topsy Farms, a real-life farm in Stella, Ontario, on Amherst Island. It is here that we meet Devlin. In humble and curious ways, he teaches us not only about the farm but about life itself. Her next book will be the first in her Fairy Series of children’s books. 

Kellie Suzanne, a mom and grandma from Trent Lakes, Ontario, spends most of her spare time in nature. She weaves her life experiences into everything she writes. Kellie draws on her childhood growing up in a small Ontario town and on family farms in Saskatchewan. 

The BOOK FAIR will include the above authors, plus:

  • Val Tobin

Val Tobin is a Canadian author known for her work in speculative and romance fiction. With a background in computer programming and technical writing, and a master’s degree in parapsychology, Val began pursuing a career as a full-time writer in 2010.
She has written over a dozen novels, including The Experiencers and The Hunted. Her writing is characterized by a mix of science fiction and horror themes, as well as a focus on psychological and supernatural elements. Her ability to craft suspenseful and character-driven stories has drawn comparisons to authors like Stephen King and Dean Koontz.
Outside of her writing, Val is an active member of the Canadian writing community. She has volunteered for the Writers’ Community of York Region and has participated in various events.
Val Tobin continues to captivate readers with her imaginative storytelling and unique



10:30 – J. Stephen Thompson presents Woman Behind Homeplate

J. STEPHEN THOMPSON is a Canadian author, born in Toronto, raised in Parry Sound and now living in Kawartha Lakes at the edge of the Carden Plain. Retired from a career as a public health microbiologist during which he published more than three dozen peer-reviewed scientific papers.

He has publshed several books, including Woman Behind Home Plate (2023), Lincoln Cathedral (2018), The Aftermath (2012), Through a Special Lens: The Photography of Jack E. Thompson (2005), as well as several collaborations with writers from Canadian Authors, Peterborough Branch and Kawartha Lakes Writers.

He also enjoys golfing, downhill skiing and snowshoeing as well as attending baseball games and theatre. His favourite reading includes Canadian, Scottish and Irish fiction.

11:30 – Matt Kydd presents True Ballads of the Kawarthas

True Ballads of the Kawarthas: 1 – 5 is the result of his efforts to combine careful historical research with an old-school, ballad/epic story-telling style. This brings together his training as a historian (University of Toronto and University of St. Andrew’s, Scotland) with his songwriting skills. Also included in the book are some of his poems that feature many different spots in the Kawarthas, from Ennismore to Eel’s Creek to the Cavan Bog to the Lindsay Exhibition Grounds and beyond.

12:30 – Kevin Frank presents Scurvy Dogs and Dinosaurs

Kevin Frank is an award-winning author/illustrator who has been creating books, cartoons and illustrations for over 20 years. He wrote and illustrated a middle-grade graphic novel called SCURVY DOGS which was published by Kane Miller in 2016. The sequel, SCURVY DOGS AND THE DINOSAUR BONEYARD, was released in 2019 followed by SCURVY DOGS VS MOBY CATFISH in 2021.  To date the books have sold over 85,000 copies. 

Kevin also created a newspaper comic strip for King Features from 2006-2016 which was profiled in the New York Times, and he has freelanced for publishers including Scholastic and the Discovery Channel. Mr. Frank enjoys doing school visits where he describes his road to publication and gives tips for aspiring authors and illustrators.He still steals his best ideas from his wife and three children.

1:30 – Jenny Cressman presents Cuban Kisses

Author Jenny Cressman was born in Kitchener, Ontario, the provincial heart of Mennonite country, where her family roots run deep. She grew up in Scottdale, Pennsylvania, but returned to her homeland to study at the University of Waterloo. After living in various parts of the United States and Canada, she eventually settled in Muskoka, slightly north of Toronto.

Her tandem careers in journalism and at a shelter for abused women provide some of the threads for her fictional writing, as does her own life. She artfully weaves these with her travel experiences in Cuba, her extensive reading about the country and her personal observations on Cubans and their relationships with tourists. Embroidered with memorable characters, the resulting tapestry she has created is the colourful, realistic world of “Cuban Kisses” series.

Jenny also imbues her poetry, short stories and other writing with similar elements and energy. She has enjoyed creative writing since childhood and plans to continue creating as long as she can tickle a keyboard, clutch a pen or give voice to the words swirling in her head, the feelings pulsing through her veins and the spirits dancing with her soul.

The BOOK FAIR will include the above authors.

Please follow our Facebook event for up to the minute information: https://fb.me/e/JELbq54v

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